Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I Signed Up for PPP

I got the idea from some mommies at PMN. I heard that they've been paid a great deal of moolah from payperpost. They just simply blogged about certain products and services and they were paid $5 the least. Sounds easy so I gave it a shot. And besides, I need some extra cash to shop this Christmas.

I'm still waiting for the approval from Customer Love. When I got their approval, I could start looking for opportunities --- products/services to blog about. I admit, I'm still oblivious of how it really works but let's just wait and see. At first I was hesitant to give it a try coz I don’t think that it’s really possible to monetize my blog. What started as a hobby has now become a "sideline" if ppp is true to their words. Been blogging for almost three years and it has been really fun.

I hope Customer Love would really approve my blog without hesitations...

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