Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Spread My Wings

I recently joined a group of bloggers called pinoymomsnetwork. It’s not just bloggers but mom bloggers. It’s actually my first time to join a group and expose my blog that far. I could only count with my 5 fingers the readers of my blog. And joining this group provides me the opportunity for this blog to be uncovered. It’s also an avenue for me to meet new friends, learn from other moms and share my experiences as well. I look up to some of these women whose websites/blog I frequently visit and I’m totally grateful to be part of their network. It’s feels like brushing elbows with famous celebrities.

At first I had second thoughts joining the group especially so that my blog isn’t really that good. I mean, I don’t have nice posts to brag about and my writing skill is not even at par with these mom bloggers. But then again, I thought I gotta grab this opportunity for my blog to spread its wings in the blogosphere. Finally, I signed up and posted my first article.

Check out these superb moms @ pinoymomsnetwork.com

1 comment:

PaksiT™ said...

nice one momma... spread you wings and explore your world... i know its late but lemme greet you my warmest, happy valentines...