I’m now at the stage where I am gorging on whatever food I see or touch. I just can’t help it… it’s like making up for all the food that was lost (read: being thrown out) during the first five months of my pregnancy. I’m starting to already gain so much weight and I already look like a whale.
Moving around has also become a chore. I’m having difficulty putting on my undies, picking up something on the floor and putting lotion on my legs. Aside from the leg cramps, I’m also experiencing hip and back pains. It’s also difficult getting out of the bed. I have to ask hubby to push me up or if he’s still asleep, I have to get up sideways.
Baby movements has become more and more frequent these days. In fact, while sitting and typing this post, he/she seems to be doing some cartwheels and somersaults inside my tummy. It makes me really happy feeling every movement made.
Come weekend, I’ll be visiting my OB for my regular check-up. I’m pretty excited coz by then she would also recommend an ultra-sound. I’ve already contacted this ultra-sound clinic at SM North Wing and they offer the cheapest 3D ultra-sound for only Php 1,500. The suspense may be over soon as we get to finally know the baby’s gender. I also made a bet with one of my colleagues. She betting on a boy and if she wins she will have a week supply of Starbucks coffee. Though I really wanted a boy, I have no choice but to bet for a girl in exchange for a week supply of chocolates or maybe Starbucks coffee too.
Speaking of coffee, I really miss my daily dose of coffee. Even the smell of it makes me want to go against my OB’s advice and take just a single sip. Just one. I can’t wait for this pregnancy to be really over soon so I could go back to my caffeine fix.
This is me now --- pregnant and proud!

Shopping for Baby Stuff:
There’s a big sale at Ayala this weekend. I might as well grab the opportunity to shop for some baby stuff. I just remember that an aunt borrowed most of the old baby stuff I have but she never bothered returning them. If she did, I’m sure they’re already worn out. So, it’s time to do some shopping.