Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Cyclops

yeah baby, 28 years and i'm loving it!!!
but this day is all-muta day --- i'm celebrating my birthday with sore eyes and terrible cough. earl got infected last sunday and i got it yesterday after taking my afternoon nap. it's gross -- the muta and all. good thing, the redness started to fade away late this morning after a few drops of maxitrol.

and look what i just received on my birthday...
it's the new havaianas slim. it's a gift for myself. i'm not really a sucker for flip flops but this beauty just caught my eye...well after some sales pitch from my friends Sylvette and Ritchell.

it's my most expensive purchase ever for a slipper. i hope it's all worth it.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Colors of the Festival

Sinulog has been considered as one of the grandest festivals in the country or maybe the entire world. I am just so lucky to be living in Cebu to experience and witness myself the fun, the color, the dance, the beat, the vision that unite the Cebuanos. It has been a week-long party and booze around Cebu … what better way to enjoy Sinulog!

January 19 Friday

My friend invited me over to her booth at MS where she was selling barbeque and beer. But after working more than 12 hours straight, I was so tired to party. Before I left the office, I chance upon a SMART hot-air balloon at the rooftop of our office so I called Sylvette to take pictures of ourselves.

(bend your neck to the left to see beauty...camwhoring in front of smART hot-air balloon)

January 20 Saturday

I’m not really a devotee whatsoever but me and my colleagues brave the long procession of the Sr. Sto. Niño around town. After almost 8 years of absence, I’m back to make this little sacrifice for the blessed child. I was in college back then when I had a really awful experience while attending the procession. I don’t even want to elaborate it further. It was tiring but it was worth it.

January 21 Sunday

I made a promise to my daughter to let her watch the Sinulog parade not just on tv but on the streets. It was one of her “firsts” and I could see in her eyes the astonishment after seeing all the colorful costumes, floats and huge puppets. She even dance her own interpretation of the Sinulog dance every time the band plays the beat. We had a full view of the parade from where we were staying. Thanks to Grill Avenue for the accommodation. (sorry for the blurry pics...)

When the parade ended, my daughter’s crankiness started. It was when we decided to go home and call it a day. I know my husband still wants to party with his buds but of course, he couldn’t just leave us with the rowdy crowd in the streets. So the plan was for him to bring us home and then he can go back to wherever his friends are partying. He wanted to tag me along but I’m too tired to party. But we ended in his granny’s birthday celebration instead and I’m just happy about it. We stayed there until midnight eating, talking and singing with the rest of his relatives. When we reached home, we simply doze off to sleep.

Pit Senyor!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Goals for the Year

We’re almost halfway of January and here’s my delayed list of goals for this year. I’ve tag them according to priority:

High Priority

1. Have a baby --- As if it’s as easy as buying in a sari-sari store. I still get the negative sign on my preggy tests so we’re not giving up till it gets positive eh! And I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl… but a boy would be great.

2. Learn to drive ---- this is way overdue. Deadline was supposed to be last year but I just can’t pull it through. Perhaps, if I can get a license and a new car (not really brand new – just a replacement) maybe then I’ll be all fired up to hold those damn wheels.

3. Internet connection at home --- hopefully, when we also have our telephone line connected.

4. Lose weight --- if I don’t get pregnant. Been to the gym, been taking some pills, been starving to death (not working because of migraine attacks), been working too hard (or not really) on this but tell me how can I resist these things called pizza, pasta, burgers, lechon, chocolates??? Tell me…

5. Save --- I opened a new bank account last year and my remaining balance has been depleting. I hope it could bounce back to where it should be or even beyond. So I have to cut on my ukay spree, credit card splurge, food trips and what else --- and yeah, think of a new business that will at least augment my scanty income.

Low Priority

6. Get a passport (what a shame)

7. Travel ( Singapore ’s cheap… or maybe Bangkok ) or maybe just visit my folks and sibs in Bislig this summer.

8. Cut my hair really, really short (my long, straight hair starts to look boring and manang)

9. Find a new employer --- It's not just about money...I need to enhance my brain and my skills. It seems that the longer I stay in this company, the dumber I become. I want challenge --- I mean something that would really test my capabilities.

10. Win the lotto (just to complete the list hehehe)

There yah go folks --- my goals for the year. I know I’ve been doing this every year. Some gets accomplished while some just re-appear on the list the following year. But nevertheless, there’s really no harm in trying. I’m planning to go over the list by mid-year and see where I’m at kinda’ reality check. So, good luck to me and cheers to a brand new year!!!

2007 First Post

Just got back to the circulation --- my schedule got messed up over the holidays and up until now due to vacations and all but it’s all good. The company just announced a four-day off for January since we hit our target last year. My day-off is scheduled at the end of this month --- I’m so looking forward to it. But I’m not looking forward to my birthday...getting old, yay!

Anyway, it’s my first post of the year. There’s really not much to share except for these bits and pieces…

* Alex blew her fourth candle last January 7. No party…just Dora cake, another cake from granny, half-kilo spaghetti, 15 pieces lumpia shanghai, Ate Anne, Ate Mags and mom. Earl was off to CDO for their conference which usually falls during her birthday. She was looking for her guests, balloons and clown --- sad to say there were none. I ain’t got budget so I told her that her next "party" will be on her 7th birthday (hopefully).

* I got a brand-new yaya (again)… My ever-dependable yaya of 3 months left and never came back.. What’s worst is that she left a debt from one of the parents in my daughter's school. I was so pissed off --- I contacted her but she never answered my calls nor my texts. Si Lord na lang bahala niya oy. But definitely I won't pay her debt!!!