The past weeks have been so intense trying to put up our kiosk which we share with 8 of our friends. There were heated arguments over bottles of beer. There were bitter words against each other either upfront or behind each other’s back. There were businesses and jobs left behind. There were families and relationships set aside. There were other promises and commitments unfulfilled. There were tasks that remain unfinished. There was a lost of confidence in each other’s capability. AND THERE WAS A RUINED FRIENDSHIP!!!
The operation hasn’t even started but the problems over individual differences and diverse business principles seem to keep us apart and shatter the business. We started pointing fingers and blaming each other for our failures. We started counting the little contributions we’ve made without realizing the many times that we fail to do what is expected of us. We always look for faults in each other. We complain a lot. We argue over simple and myriad things which were time-consuming and a lot stressful. We wasted so much time. We waited to be told. We lack the initiative. We never acknowledge our mistakes. We never really cared about the business.
With due respect to some, who I believe is so passionate about making this business thrive, I guess there is still hope. Louie, being the captain of the ship should now start kicking butts off and demand commitment from everybody. We’re not mere employees in this business, WE OWN IT! It is but proper to start going the extra mile without compromising of course other priorities in life – family, work and health. The three should be the only acceptable excuses for failure to fulfill our commitments @ Beach Roots.
Argghhh, I have been a blabber box…apologies! But I just can’t help it having witnessed all the bickering and whining and complaining and fighting. Elvin said it’s HEALTHY but I totally disagree with him coz when friends start to argue and fight…man, there must be something wrong!
Oh well, I hope the friendship remains the same or else I shall never look forward to Bantayan escapade next summer...or to Jamaica perhaps?